Foraged Menu
Land Rovers are built for getting out there and experiencing new things. But the truth is, most 4X4 drivers never leave the city. So we decided to give city slickers a taste of Australia… literally. We launched the Foraged Menu. Giving people the opportunity to try food that only a Land Rover owner could forage, like: scorpions, witchery grubs, tarantula, bush salad, native honey, ants… All the delicacies of the outback delivered to your home.
Working with hatted chef, Charlie Carrington, we created a range of high-end meals made with ingredients from different regions of Australia. The Foraged Menu was made available to order on online for people living in inner city locations.
Content was created for both TV and social media with our chef using the Land Rover’s capability to allow him to get to the locations to source the ingredients, but also explain what the foraged food tasted like and how the meal would be assembled.
When the meal was ordered it was delivered with information about the Land Rover and the region the meal came from. I also encouraged the consumer to share their culinary experience eating the meal via their social channels.
The campaign was supported with food reviews in Broadsheet and Urban List. We also enlisted influencers and brand ambassadors to share their experience eating the meal to a combined social media audience of around XXXXXX people.